Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Rules for Critiques

First, sorry for the delay in posting the "critique" of our first three issues. The new semester and the duties of the search for the new dean of the university's College of Arts and Sciences has kept me very busy. I was also waiting to see how our Plan 21 effort would evolve as The South Texan Online got momentum and because a more integral, or perhaps most important, part of our efforts to communicate with our students. Of course, there are no excuses and I, essentially, missed a deadline. Well, no mas, we will try to be diligent with this and Mr. Fisher and I will keep a weekly update on critiques. I will be doing print media and he and I will both be doing online media on a weekly basis. We will have KUDOs (attaboys) in two areas, print and online. At times, the person will be the same one. Chances are that the online KUDOs will have many repetitions since there are only a few students who work on this, but we hope that others will soon join in the fray. As for photographers, they will be eligible for both and can win both awards. Of course, at the end of the semester, all are eligible for a $100 KUDOs scholarship and Mr. Fisher and I are thinking of making it two awards this year. We'll see. It depends on the quality Okay, ready for the new rules? The first critiques follow on all of our print editions to date. Mr. Fisher will critique the online edition starting next week with some observations and some praise.....buena suerte.

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